Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Paris Summer Top

Yes, I know I shouldn't really be casting anything else on (but the yarn just cries out to be made into something). Because I've been working on the Goddessknits anniversary shawls for quite a few weeks I just felt the need to knit something a little quicker, I want knitting gratification damn it!

So to that end I was thumbing through my mags when I came across a pattern called Paris by Betty Barnden in Let's Knit magazine issue 9. I liked the fact it wasn't all boring stocking stitch and I even like the Eiffel Tower stitch, I just didn't want to do it right now. So I changed the Eiffel Tower stitch to a Leaves of Grass stitch and cast on.

I've completed the fist six pattern repeats and have now started on the yoke of the back, this is a quick knit and if I keep it up I should be able to wear my new summer top at the weekend (of course now that I've said that something will come up and I wont have time).

The pink picture is the original picture from the magazine, the teal is the top I'm working on. I'm using King Cole Smooth colour 802 Teal. I'm quite liking the King Cole even though it is acrylic, it is so soft it's going to feel lovely next to my skin.