Monday, 3 March 2008

Interesting knits for charity

I've just come across a website called K9 Rescue Knitting Club, it seems a worthy cause and I'd like to help them out. I've two dogs of my own so am always attracted to rescue causes.

At the moment finances are dictating that I shouldn't buy anything but my yarn stash is saying I can definitely make something for them, time on the other hand is a completely different matter :-)

I will just have a nosy around and see if I can find any nice patterns that would work well with my stash.

If you've the inclination, have a look at their site, you never know you may spot the perfect thing for your happy hound or pampered pooch.

Also need to spread the word about Knitted Boob Appeal 2008, the boobs help new mothers learn how to breastfeed and express milk, check them out.