Monday, 14 July 2008

Yay, Clue 3 Chart D Done on the Other Shawl

It seems to have taken an age but I've finally completed the third clue on the second shawl from the Goddessknits Anniversary Mystery Shawl.

I now just have to complete clue 4 on both shawls, they are huge clues so I wouldn't expect to hear about them for a while.

Harmony options, just thought I'd mention them, yes, you all probably knew about them years ago but I've just found them. I LOVE these needles, not only do they look lush but they're a dream to knit with. I only ordered a sample (just 3.5mm tips and a 120cm cord) but I'll definitely be getting more, they're just too good not to.

Go out, treat yourself, buy them. Yes, I believe they are that good.


Anonymous said...

I received the Harmony interchangeable set for Christmas from my kids. I LOVE them. The tips are perfect for lace work. I also purchased and use daily the fixed cables for socks. I also recommend them to all my knitting friends!!
Your shawl is beautiful!

Carob said...

Thank you. Harmony Options are wonderful, I can't recommend them enough.