Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Okay, I succombed...

I did it, I've just ordered my first drop spindle. A 28g top whorl drop spindle, at the same time I also ordered 100g English wool top for practice with.

Also for the wool top and the drop spindle I got a real bargain, it only cost me £7.09 with shipping from here.

You know this means that I'll be on here in a couple of days either sobbing about the fact that I can't do it or crowing about how easy it is and what wonderful yarn I've spun.

Of course it'll be the sobbing as nothing ever goes right straight off and it's not so much making mistakes as gaining experience on what not to do LOL. I'm so sticking with that one.

So wish me luck and I'll report back, hopefully before or during the weekend.


goldfishgirl said...

Hurrah, another new spinner! Your spindle kit sounds like a great bargain. Good luck with trying them out!

Carob said...

Thank you, I've had a little go and it's not as easy as it looks but I'll keep going and hopefully one day I'll master the art of creating scrummy yarn.