Sunday, 13 January 2008

Life gets in the way.

Well as usual things get in the way of what I really want to do, like work on the Afghan. I have finished all the larger squares and I've about five of the smaller still to do, then of course I've got to connect them all and do the edging. Will work on it some more today and see how far I get.

Unfortunately I've the uniforms to get ready for tomorrow plus a fair amount of housework, can't believe how quickly this house gets messy [sigh].

Mum came down yesterday and didn't bring her jacket as she says she's in no hurry, after a word from me she'll bring it next Saturday. It's a Simplicity pattern 3627, I made option B (green jacket on front cover) in a heavyweight brown cotton. As mentioned, she really likes the jacket it's just that the sleeves are to long.

Also my mum mentioned that my gran really likes her bed jacket and it keeps her nice and cosy when reading in bed.