Tuesday 23 December 2008

Christmas Jumper Two Finished.

I put the finishing touches to mum's christmas jumper yesterday, I'm not best pleased with a small issue on the left neck edge at the beginning of the ribbing but don't know how to correct it. As it is more than wearable I'm just not going to fiddle with it.

I wish I had of put some waist shaping into it, but mum isn't keen on that so I just hopefully made a snuggly raglan sweater.

I liked the Patons washed haze aran although I think adding a new ball is a bit of a pain and even though I've darned in the ends I'm not overly confidant of them but only time will tell.

I really like the Ann Budd book
The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns, I'm sure I'll use it many more times to create many more sweaters/cardigans. For my first raglan I'm really quite pleased with it.