Monday 1 December 2008

Meret Cowl Delight

Okay, remember the mystery beret/tam I did (the pattern was by Wolly Wormhead) that was supposed to be for my daughter? Well I claimed it for myself as it was so nice and the designer as decided to call the pattern Meret.

I just wanted to make something to go with it, so I made a cowl. I cast on 91 stitches joined in the round and then knit 3 rounds, I then did the pattern 3 times and another few rounds plain knit and tadah, a matching neckwarmer for my Meret beret.

Wonder if I can make a matching pair of mitts?

I used the James C Brett Ripple again and circular needles in size 4.5mm, the pattern is only available on Ravelry from what I can tell.