Sunday 21 December 2008

Cobblestone Christmas Pullover

I've finished and it's fantastic, the construction and ease of following this pattern has really pleased me. I've come to realise Jared Flood is a bloody genius and I'll be following more of his patterns.

December 15 2008

I’ve just started the yoke and have 9 days to finish, I’m enjoying knitting with this yarn even though it’s still a bit scratchy just hope it softens when I wash it.

Argh, I’ve never wrapped and turned before and have no idea what I’m doing, I’ve followed the instructions but think I’ve followed it wrong. I’m not even sure what the wrap and turn is supposed to do so can’t even fudge it.

I now understand what the wraps achieve and once that clicked into place was able to storm along and have gotten up to decrease 1.

December 17 2008

I was just getting up to the 3rd decrease when I realised I’d made a stupid measurement mistake and have had to frog back 4 inches, stitch by flaming stitch…sigh. It will be worth it though as the jumper looks to be turning out wonderfully and hopefully my dad will like it as much as I do.

December 20 2008

I’ve finished and it looks wonderful, I so love the construction of this jumper. I also can't praise the New Lanark wool I used enough. It knits up beautifully and the stitch definition is great.