Saturday 3 January 2009

Resolution, hmmm.

I've just been on the Selfish Knitters group on Ravelry and seen a discussion called 'Jan KAL: Resolution knitting'. You've got it, resolutions about your knitting.

A wonderful person said her resolution was to complete two WIPs before casting a new project on. Now I like that idea, I've so many WIPs at the moement I really must do something to spur me on.

So my resolution is to complete the required two, then I can indulge and cast on something new. Of course now that I've wrote that down I'm trying to find loop holes in the rule so that I can cast something (anything) on LOL.

But I'll endeavour to complete my two, starting today with my modified Paris. Wish me luck, I've a feeling I'm going to need it :-)